indispensable - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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indispensable (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The word "indispensable" in Spanish is used to describe something or someone that is absolutely necessary or essential. It conveys the idea that without it, a situation cannot function properly or efficiently. The frequency of use is quite high, both in spoken and written contexts, as the concept of necessity is common in everyday conversation and in legal texts.

Example Sentences: 1. La educación es un recurso indispensable para el desarrollo personal. - Education is an indispensable resource for personal development.

  1. En una sociedad democrática, la libertad de expresión es indispensable.
  2. In a democratic society, freedom of expression is indispensable.

  3. Para el éxito de este proyecto, su participación es indispensable.

  4. For the success of this project, your participation is indispensable.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "indispensable" is often used in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish, indicating its importance in different contexts. Here are a few expressions along with example sentences:

  1. Ser indispensable en algo
  2. María se ha vuelto indispensable en el equipo porque siempre aporta ideas brillantes.
  3. Maria has become indispensable to the team because she always brings brilliant ideas.

  4. Hacer algo indispensable

  5. El climatizador se ha hecho indispensable durante el verano.
  6. The air conditioner has become indispensable during the summer.

  7. Indispensable para el éxito

  8. La investigación es indispensable para el éxito de cualquier negocio.
  9. Research is indispensable for the success of any business.

  10. Una herramienta indispensable

  11. Internet es una herramienta indispensable en la educación moderna.
  12. The internet is an indispensable tool in modern education.


The term "indispensable" comes from the Latin "indispensabilis," which means "that cannot be dispensed with or dispensed." The prefix "in-" denotes negation, while "dispensabilis" is derived from "dispensare," meaning "to distribute or administer."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Esencial - Necesario - Fundamental

Antonyms: - Prescindible - Opcional - Superfluo

Overall, "indispensable" is a key term in both general and legal discourse in Spanish, signifying necessity and essentiality across various contexts. Its usage emphasizes the importance of elements that are crucial for functionality and effectiveness.
