individual - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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individual (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "individual" is primarily used as a noun in Spanish, and it can also function as an adjective.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "individual" refers to a single entity or person, emphasizing uniqueness or separateness. It is regularly used in both spoken and written contexts, often in discussions related to rights, psychology, economics, and law. The frequency of use is high due to its applicability across various fields, but it might be slightly more common in formal or academic contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. El individuo tiene derechos fundamentales que deben ser respetados.
    (The individual has fundamental rights that must be respected.)

  2. En una relación, cada individuo aporta su propia perspectiva.
    (In a relationship, each individual brings their own perspective.)

  3. El informe se centra en la conducta de los individuos en la sociedad.
    (The report focuses on the behavior of individuals in society.)

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "individual" can feature in several idiomatic expressions within Spanish, reflecting attitudes toward individuality and society.

  1. Ser un individuo fuera de lo común.
    (To be an individual out of the ordinary.)
    This expression refers to someone who stands out due to their unique characteristics or behavior.

  2. Cada individuo es responsable de sus propias acciones.
    (Each individual is responsible for their own actions.)
    This highlights the personal accountability that everyone possesses.

  3. La voz de un individuo puede hacer la diferencia.
    (The voice of an individual can make a difference.)
    This emphasizes the power of a single person's opinion or action in creating change.

  4. Respetar la individualidad de cada persona es esencial para una convivencia armoniosa.
    (Respecting the individuality of each person is essential for harmonious coexistence.)
    This sentence underscores the importance of acknowledging and valuing each person’s unique traits.


The word "individual" comes from the Latin "individuum," which means "indivisible." The Latin root combines "in-" (not) and "dividere" (to divide), reflecting the notion of a single entity that cannot be broken down further.

Synonyms and Antonyms

By exploring these aspects of the word "individual," we can gain a deeper understanding of its significance and usage in the Spanish language.
