indulto - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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indulto (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "indulto" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription

/ inˈdulto /

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Indulto" refers to the formal act of pardoning or granting immunity from punishment. It is often used in legal contexts to describe the forgiveness of a crime or the suspension of a penalty imposed by a legal authority. The word is commonly used in both oral and written Spanish, particularly in legal documents, news articles, and discussions concerning justice and human rights. The frequency of use can vary, but generally, it is more prevalent in written contexts, especially in legal and clerical communications.

Example Sentences

  1. El indulto fue concedido por el presidente a los prisioneros políticos.
    The pardon was granted by the president to the political prisoners.

  2. La ley establece las condiciones bajo las cuales se puede pedir un indulto.
    The law establishes the conditions under which a pardon can be requested.

  3. Su indulto sorprendió a muchos, ya que había cometido un delito grave.
    His pardon surprised many, as he had committed a serious crime.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "indulto" is not commonly found in many idiomatic expressions, it plays a crucial role in discussions surrounding legal mercy and clemency. However, the concept of "indulto" can be invoked in broader discussions about justice and forgiveness. Below are some contextual phrases or related notions that encompass the practical spirit of "indulto":

  1. "No le vas a dar el indulto a quien no se lo merece."
    You are not going to give the pardon to someone who does not deserve it.

  2. "El camino del indulto es largo y lleno de requisitos legales."
    The path to pardon is long and filled with legal requirements.

  3. "Un indulto puede cambiar la vida de una persona condenada."
    A pardon can change the life of a convicted person.

  4. "El indulto humanitario se juzga caso por caso."
    The humanitarian pardon is judged on a case-by-case basis.


The word "indulto" comes from the Latin "indultus," which means "granted," and is derived from the verb "indulgere," meaning "to indulge" or "to treat gently." The term evolved through the Old Spanish before reaching its current form.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Perdon (pardon) - Exoneración (exoneration) - Clemencia (clemency)

Antonyms: - Condena (sentence) - Castigo (punishment) - Sanción (sanction)
