ineludible - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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ineludible (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "ineludible" refers to something that cannot be avoided or evaded; it is a concept that denotes inevitability. In Spanish, it is often used in contexts where certain circumstances, actions, or consequences are bound to occur, making them impossible to escape from. The term is used relatively frequently in both oral and written contexts, particularly in formal or academic discussions, as well as in everyday conversation when expressing the idea of something that must be accepted or dealt with.

Example Sentences

  1. La muerte es un hecho ineludible que todos debemos enfrentar.
    (Death is an unavoidable fact that we all must face.)

  2. El cambio climático es ineludible si no tomamos medidas.
    (Climate change is inescapable if we do not take action.)

  3. La responsabilidad es ineludible cuando ocupas un puesto de liderazgo.
    (Responsibility is inevitable when you hold a leadership position.)

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "ineludible" is not commonly found in idiomatic expressions, but it can appear in conceptual phrases that revolve around the notion of necessity and inevitability. Here are some related expressions that convey a similar sense:

  1. Es ineludible que se tomen decisiones difíciles.
    (It is inevitable that difficult decisions must be made.)

  2. El sufrimiento es a menudo ineludible en el proceso de aprender.
    (Suffering is often inescapable in the process of learning.)

  3. La verdad es ineludible, aunque a veces duela.
    (The truth is unavoidable, even if it sometimes hurts.)

  4. Los cambios en la sociedad son ineludibles con el tiempo.
    (Changes in society are inescapable over time.)

  5. Las leyes de la física son ineludibles para todos.
    (The laws of physics are inevitable for everyone.)


The word "ineludible" comes from the Latin "ineludibilis," which is formed from the prefix "in-" meaning "not," and "eludere," which means "to evade." The structure reflects the meaning of not being able to evade something.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Inevitable - Inescapable - Imprescindible (in some contexts)

Antonyms: - Evitable (avoidable) - Opcional (optional) - Evitable (escapable)
