infante - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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infante (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "infante" in Spanish primarily refers to a very young child or baby, known as an "infant" in English. In historical and royal contexts, it refers to the title given to sons of the king who are not the heir to the throne. It is used both in spoken and written contexts, but it appears more often in written texts when discussing historical, royal, or legal matters.

Example Sentences

  1. El infante comenzó a balbucear sus primeras palabras.
    The infant began to babble his first words.

  2. El infante de España realizó una visita oficial a otro país.
    The prince of Spain made an official visit to another country.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "infante" is less commonly found in idiomatic expressions, but there are a few notable usages:

  1. "Infante de la patria"
    Meaning: A term used to describe a person who is considered a vital part of the nation, almost as a symbolic infant of the homeland.
    En la celebración del día de la independencia, se le llamaba infante de la patria a los héroes nacionales.
    In the celebration of Independence Day, the national heroes were referred to as the infants of the homeland.

  2. "Infante por siempre"
    Meaning: Translates to "infant forever," often used figuratively to describe someone who is eternally childish or immature.
    A pesar de sus años, sigue siendo un infante por siempre en su forma de ser.
    Despite his age, he remains an infant forever in his way of being.

  3. "Dulce como un infante"
    Meaning: Literally "sweet as an infant," used to describe someone very sweet or adorable.
    El cachorrito es dulce como un infante, siempre trae alegría.
    The puppy is sweet as an infant, always bringing joy.


The word "infante" comes from the Latin "infans," which means "speechless" or "infant." The root "in-" means "not" and "fans" is related to speaking, so it literally refers to someone who cannot speak.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, "infante" is a versatile term that can refer to a very young child in general or to younger princes in aristocratic contexts, complete with historical and cultural significance in the Spanish-speaking world.
