infernal - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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infernal (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech


Phonetic transcription


Translation options into English

Meaning and Usage in Spanish

The word "infernal" describes anything that is related to hell or has characteristics associated with hell, such as extreme heat, suffering, or evilness. It can also be used metaphorically to describe situations that are extremely difficult, unbearable, or annoying.

The word is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, often appearing in literature, conversations, and descriptions of challenging or chaotic situations.

Example Sentences

  1. La tormenta causó un caos infernal en la ciudad.
  2. The storm caused an infernal chaos in the city.

  3. Sentí un calor infernal en la playa durante el verano.

  4. I felt an infernal heat at the beach during the summer.

  5. La película era tan infernalmente emocionante que no podía dejar de verla.

  6. The movie was so infernally exciting that I couldn't stop watching it.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "infernal" is not the central component of many idiomatic expressions, it can be used in phrases that convey extreme situations or emotions. Here are a few idiomatic contexts:

  1. Tener una vida infernal
  2. Meaning: To lead a hellish life.
  3. Example: La ruptura le dejó viviendo una vida infernal.
  4. Translation: The breakup left him living a hellish life.

  5. Un trabajo infernal

  6. Meaning: A hellish job.
  7. Example: Pasar horas en ese trabajo infernal me tiene agotado.
  8. Translation: Spending hours at that hellish job has me exhausted.

  9. Infernal de ruido

  10. Meaning: Extremely noisy.
  11. Example: Los niños en el parque hacían un infernal de ruido.
  12. Translation: The children in the park were making an infernal noise.


The word "infernal" originates from the Latin term infernālis, which is derived from infernus, meaning "lower" or "of the underworld." The root is linked to concepts of hell and the afterlife, reflecting its association with a state of extreme suffering or chaos.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Diabólico (diabolical) - Maléfico (malevolent) - Perverso (perverse)

Antonyms: - Celestial (celestial) - Benévolo (benevolent) - Amigable (friendly)
