infiel - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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infiel (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "infiel" is an adjective and can also be used as a noun.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "infiel" in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /imˈfjel/.

Translation Options into English

"Infiel" can be translated into English as: - Unfaithful - Disloyal - Unreliable - Faithless

Meaning and Usage

The term "infiel" refers to a person who is not loyal, especially in the context of romantic relationships or commitments. It can imply a breach of trust or fidelity and is often used in both general conversation and legal or religious discussions concerning marriage or partnerships.

Its frequency of use is moderately high in both spoken and written forms, as it pertains to widely recognized issues of trust and loyalty. The context in which "infiel" is used can vary, from casual conversations about relationships to formal debates on fidelity and moral expectations in a legal or religious context.

Example Sentences

  1. María se sintió traicionada porque su esposo resultó ser infiel.
    María felt betrayed because her husband turned out to be unfaithful.

  2. En la religión, un infiel es considerado alguien que no sigue las creencias del grupo.
    In religion, an infidel is considered someone who does not follow the beliefs of the group.

  3. Los juristas discuten las implicaciones legales de ser infiel en un matrimonio.
    Lawyers discuss the legal implications of being unfaithful in a marriage.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Infiel" appears in several idiomatic expressions and culturally relevant phrases, often related to loyalty and fidelity. Here are a few idiomatic uses:

  1. Ser infiel a su conciencia
    To be unfaithful to one's conscience
  2. No se puede ser infiel a su conciencia y esperar vivir en paz.
    You cannot be unfaithful to your conscience and expect to live in peace.

  3. Infiel en el amor
    Unfaithful in love

  4. A menudo se dice que el infiel en el amor jamás podrá ser feliz.
    It is often said that the unfaithful in love can never be truly happy.

  5. La infidelidad es una traición
    Infidelity is a betrayal

  6. En una relación, la infidelidad es una traición que puede ser difícil de perdonar.
    In a relationship, infidelity is a betrayal that can be hard to forgive.

  7. Ser infiel de corazón
    To be unfaithful at heart

  8. Aunque nunca lo admitió abiertamente, siempre fue infiel de corazón.
    Even though he never admitted it openly, he was always unfaithful at heart.


The word "infiel" comes from the Latin "infidelis," which means 'unfaithful' or 'not loyal.' The prefix "in-" indicates negation, while "fidelis" derives from "fides," meaning 'faith' or 'trust.'

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Desleal (disloyal) - Traidor (traitor) - Falto (deficient)

Antonyms: - Leal (loyal) - Fiel (faithful) - Constante (steadfast)
