inflexible - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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inflexible (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "inflexible" in Spanish translates to "inflexible" as well. It describes a person, rule, or object that is not willing to change or adapt. It can refer to a strict mindset or an unyielding approach to situations, often implying a lack of tolerance for alternatives.

It is common in both spoken and written contexts, particularly in legal or formal discussions where strict adherence to rules or principles is emphasized. The frequency of use is moderate, often used in discussions about policies, personal attitudes, or structural frameworks.

Example Sentences

  1. Su postura es inflexible y no acepta ningún tipo de negociación.
    His stance is inflexible and does not accept any form of negotiation.

  2. La ley es inflexible en cuanto a las fechas de presentación de documentos.
    The law is inflexible regarding the deadlines for submitting documents.

  3. Tiene un estilo de trabajo inflexible que a menudo le causa problemas en el equipo.
    He has an inflexible working style that often causes him problems in the team.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "inflexible" does not have many direct idiomatic expressions in Spanish, it can be incorporated into various phrases that imply rigidity or strictness. Some examples include:

  1. Ser inflexible como una piedra.
    To be inflexible like a stone.
  2. Esta regla es inflexible como una piedra y no se puede cambiar.
    This rule is inflexible like a stone and cannot be changed.

  3. Mantener una postura inflexible.
    To maintain an inflexible stance.

  4. El director decidió mantener una postura inflexible en la reunión.
    The director decided to maintain an inflexible stance in the meeting.

  5. Actuar con inflexibilidad.
    To act with inflexibility.

  6. Actuar con inflexibilidad no siempre es lo mejor en una negociación.
    Acting with inflexibility is not always the best approach in a negotiation.


The word "inflexible" comes from the Latin "inflexibilis," which is a combination of the prefix "in-" meaning "not" and "flexibilis," meaning "able to bend." This indicates a state of being unable to bend or change, which directly relates to its meaning in modern usage.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Rígido (Rigid) - Estricto (Strict) - Intransigente (Unyielding)

Antonyms: - Flexible (Flexible) - Adaptable (Adaptable) - Maleable (Malleable)
