"Interés" in Spanish can mean interest, both in a financial sense and in terms of curiosity or attention. It is commonly used in both written and spoken Spanish. This word can also refer to a stake or share in something, as well as passion or enthusiasm for a particular subject or activity.
"Interés" is a key component in several Spanish idiomatic expressions. Here are some examples: 1. Perder el interés: To lose interest. - Ya perdí el interés en esa serie de televisión. (I have already lost interest in that TV series.)
Ella leyó el libro con mucho interés. (She read the book with a lot of interest.)
Interés compuesto: Compound interest.
La inversión generó ganancias debido al interés compuesto. (The investment generated profits due to compound interest.)
Interés económico: Economic interest.
El país tiene un gran interés económico en la exportación de frutas. (The country has a great economic interest in fruit exports.)
Tomar interés en: To take an interest in.
The word "interés" comes from the Latin "interest", which is derived from the verb "inter esse" meaning "to be between" or "to be among".