interés - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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interés (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Meanings and Usage

"Interés" in Spanish can mean interest, both in a financial sense and in terms of curiosity or attention. It is commonly used in both written and spoken Spanish. This word can also refer to a stake or share in something, as well as passion or enthusiasm for a particular subject or activity.


  1. Tengo interés en aprender un nuevo idioma. (I am interested in learning a new language.)
  2. Mi banco me cobra un alto interés por el préstamo. (My bank charges me a high interest rate for the loan.)

Idiomatic Expressions

"Interés" is a key component in several Spanish idiomatic expressions. Here are some examples: 1. Perder el interés: To lose interest. - Ya perdí el interés en esa serie de televisión. (I have already lost interest in that TV series.)

  1. Con interés: With interest.
  2. Ella leyó el libro con mucho interés. (She read the book with a lot of interest.)

  3. Interés compuesto: Compound interest.

  4. La inversión generó ganancias debido al interés compuesto. (The investment generated profits due to compound interest.)

  5. Interés económico: Economic interest.

  6. El país tiene un gran interés económico en la exportación de frutas. (The country has a great economic interest in fruit exports.)

  7. Tomar interés en: To take an interest in.

  8. Deberíamos tomar más interés en proteger el medio ambiente. (We should take more interest in protecting the environment.)


The word "interés" comes from the Latin "interest", which is derived from the verb "inter esse" meaning "to be between" or "to be among".

Synonyms and Antonyms