"Invalidez" refers to the condition of being invalid or ineffective, and it often pertains to legal contexts where a document, agreement, or claim is rendered null and void. In a broader sense, it can refer to the state of being disabled or incapable of performing certain tasks due to physical or mental limitations. The frequency of use is moderate in both legal contexts and everyday speech, with a slightly higher prevalence in written contexts, especially in legal documentation and formal discussions.
La invalidez de este contrato se debe a la falta de firma.
The invalidity of this contract is due to the lack of a signature.
La invalidez temporal puede derivarse de una enfermedad prolongada.
Temporary invalidity can arise from a prolonged illness.
Los requisitos para obtener una pensión por invalidez son estrictos.
The requirements to obtain a disability pension are strict.
The word "invalidez" is commonly used in legal and medical contexts but isn't particularly prevalent in idiomatic expressions. However, it might relate closely to discussions about legality and disability in various expressions:
Declarar la invalidez de un testamento.
To declare the invalidity of a will.
Se considera la invalidez de un reclamo si falta documentación esencial.
The invalidity of a claim is considered if essential documentation is missing.
La incapacidad permanente se evalúa en términos de invalidez.
Permanent incapacity is evaluated in terms of invalidity.
"Invalidez" originates from the prefixed "in-" (which implies negation) and the noun "validez," which stems from "válido" meaning "valid." "Validez" derives from Latin "validitas," which conveys the concept of worthiness or effectiveness.
Synonyms: - Nulidad (nullity) - Inhabilitación (disqualification)
Antonyms: - Validez (validity) - Capacidad (capacity)
In summary, "invalidez" is a significant term within legal and medical frameworks in Spanish-speaking contexts, deeply tied to concepts of legal status and health-related disabilities.