invernal - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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invernal (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Invernal is an adjective in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

The main translation of invernal into English is "wintry" or "winter-related."

Meaning and Usage

The word invernal describes something that is related to or characteristic of winter. It is often used in both oral and written contexts, but it may have a slightly higher frequency of usage in written language, particularly in literary or descriptive texts.

Example Sentences

  1. La lluvia invernal llenó los ríos de aguas frescas.
  2. The wintry rain filled the rivers with fresh water.

  3. En la noche invernal, la temperatura bajó drásticamente.

  4. On the wintry night, the temperature dropped drastically.

  5. Los paisajes invernales son especialmente hermosos en zonas montañosas.

  6. Wintry landscapes are especially beautiful in mountainous areas.

Idiomatic Expressions

Invernal can appear in various idiomatic expressions, though it is less common in fixed phrases compared to other adjectives. Here are a few examples highlighting its usage:

  1. Temporada invernal (winter season)
  2. Durante la temporada invernal, muchas personas prefieren quedarse en casa.

    • During the winter season, many people prefer to stay at home.
  3. Sueños invernales (wintry dreams)

  4. A menudo tengo sueños invernales que me hacen sentir nostálgico.

    • I often have wintry dreams that make me feel nostalgic.
  5. Ropa invernal (winter clothing)

  6. Es recomendable usar ropa invernal que sea abrigada y cómoda.
    • It is advisable to wear winter clothing that is warm and comfortable.


The word invernal comes from the Latin term "hibernalis," which is derived from "hibernus," meaning "winter." This reflects the connection to the coldest season of the year.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Hibernal (also means wintry or related to winter) - Invernoso (referring to winter characteristics)

Antonyms: - Vernáculo (related to spring) - Estival (associated with summer)

This comprehensive overview of the word invernal covers its meaning, usage, idiomatic expressions, etymology, and linguistic relationships.
