invertir - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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invertir (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "invertir" primarily means "to invest" in terms of putting money into financial endeavors, such as stocks, bonds, or businesses. It is also used in a general sense to indicate the action of turning something upside down or reversing an order or situation.

In the Spanish language, "invertir" is frequently utilized in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions about finance, business, and economics. The term is common and significant in places like banks, investment firms, and educational materials relating to economics.

Example Sentences

  1. Voy a invertir en un nuevo proyecto.
    I am going to invest in a new project.

  2. Es importante invertir sabiamente para asegurar el futuro.
    It is important to invest wisely to secure the future.

  3. La compañía decidió invertir más en tecnología.
    The company decided to invest more in technology.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Invertir" is also used in several idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Below are some examples:

  1. Invertir el orden
  2. El profesor decidió invertir el orden de la clase para hacerla más dinámica.
    The teacher decided to invert the order of the class to make it more dynamic.

  3. Invertir tiempo

  4. Es crucial invertir tiempo en la planificación del proyecto.
    It is crucial to invest time in planning the project.

  5. Invertir en educación

  6. Las familias deben considerar invertir en educación para el futuro de sus hijos.
    Families should consider investing in education for the future of their children.

  7. Invertir en uno mismo

  8. Invertir en uno mismo significa adquirir nuevas habilidades.
    Investing in oneself means acquiring new skills.

  9. Invertir recursos

  10. El gobierno necesita invertir recursos en infraestructura.
    The government needs to invest resources in infrastructure.


The word "invertir" comes from the Latin "invertere," which means "to turn upside down." The Latin roots can also be broken down into "in-" (in) and "vertere" (to turn), directly reflecting its meanings relating to both financial investment and physical inversion.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - colocar (to place) - financiar (to finance) - gastar (to spend, though not perfectly synonymous)

Antonyms: - sacar (to take out) - desinvertir (to divest) - retirar (to withdraw)

This comprehensive overview encapsulates the various meanings, usages, and related expressions involving the word "invertir" in the Spanish language.
