jauto - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
ChatGPT AI Dictionary

jauto (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Use in Spanish Language

The word "jauto" is not a commonly used term in the Spanish language. It seems to be a specific term used in Argentina. Due to its rare usage, it is difficult to determine whether it is more commonly used in oral speech or written context.


  1. Spanish: El mechanic dejó el jauto impecable. English: The mechanic left the "jauto" spotless.

  2. Spanish: Vamos a dar una vuelta en el jauto esta tarde. English: Let's take a ride in the "jauto" this afternoon.

Idiomatic Expressions

As "jauto" seems to be a rare or specific term, there are no known idiomatic expressions using this word.


The etymology of the word "jauto" is unclear as it is not a standard Spanish term and seems to be specific to Argentina.

Synonyms and Antonyms

As "jauto" is not a widely recognized term, there are no established synonyms or antonyms for it.