justificado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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justificado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The word "justificado" in Spanish means that something has been shown to be right or reasonable, often in the context of moral or legal justification. It can describe actions, beliefs, or situations that are defended or warranted by one or more reasons. Its frequency of use is common in both oral and written contexts, particularly in legal and academic discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. Su rechazo fue justificado por razones económicas.
  2. His refusal was justified for economic reasons.

  3. El juez consideró que la detención del sospechoso estaba justificada.

  4. The judge considered that the suspect's detention was justified.

  5. Ella presentó un informe que justificaba sus acciones en el trabajo.

  6. She submitted a report that justified her actions at work.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "justificado" can appear in various idiomatic expressions and contexts. Here are several examples:

  1. Estar justificado
  2. Su miedo estaba justificado después de lo que ocurrió.

    • His fear was justified after what happened.
  3. Justificación de gastos

  4. La empresa necesita una justificación de gastos para reembolsar a sus empleados.

    • The company needs a justification of expenses to reimburse its employees.
  5. Justificado moralmente

  6. Algunos creen que su decisión fue justificada moralmente, mientras que otros no.

    • Some believe that his decision was morally justified, while others do not.
  7. Acto justificado

  8. En esta situación, el acto parecía justificado bajo las circunstancias.

    • In this situation, the act seemed justified under the circumstances.
  9. Justificado y necesario

  10. La inversión en educación es justificada y necesaria para el desarrollo del país.
    • Investment in education is justified and necessary for the country’s development.


The word "justificado" comes from the Latin "justificare," which means "to make just or right." The root "justus" means "just," and the suffix "-ficare" indicates making or doing.

Synonyms and Antonyms
