The word "justificar" is a verb.
/ xu̪s'ti.kaɾ /
"Justificar" is a verb in Spanish that means to show that something is reasonable, just, or valid. It is commonly used in contexts where a reason or explanation is provided for an action, decision, or belief. The word is moderately frequent in both oral and written contexts, particularly in legal, academic, and bureaucratic discussions.
It is necessary to justify each expense in the financial report.
El abogado tuvo que justificar la ausencia del acusado en la audiencia.
The lawyer had to justify the accused's absence from the hearing.
Justificar sus decisiones es fundamental para mantener la confianza del equipo.
"Justificar" appears in various idiomatic expressions, particularly in contexts related to accountability or reasoning.
There is no need to justify what you feel; your emotions are valid.
A veces, es difícil justificar los medios por el fin que se quiere lograr.
Sometimes, it is difficult to justify the means by the end that one wants to achieve.
Justificar el mal comportamiento de alguien puede ser un acto de complicidad.
Justifying someone's bad behavior can be an act of complicity.
No puedes justificar tus acciones si no estás dispuesto a asumir la responsabilidad.
The term "justificar" derives from the Latin verb "justificare," which combines "justus" (just) with "facere" (to make or to do). It evolved to convey the idea of making something just or justifying an action.
By detailing both general and idiomatic uses, as well as synonyms and antonyms, "justificar" illustrates its importance in various contexts, offering depth to its applications in Spanish.