la armada - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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la armada (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech:


Phonetic transcription:

/la arˈmada/

Translation options into English:

Meaning and Usage:

"La Armada" refers to the naval branch of a country's military forces. This term is commonly used to talk about the navy and its related activities. It is a formal term that is used both in oral speech and written context, often in military or official discussions. The word "Armada" is more frequently used in written contexts, such as articles, reports, or official documents, rather than in everyday conversations.

Example sentences:

  1. La Armada de México realiza patrullajes constantes en las aguas territoriales.
  2. The Mexican Navy carries out constant patrols in territorial waters.

  3. El marino recibió una medalla por su servicio en la Armada española.

  4. The sailor received a medal for his service in the Spanish Navy.

Idiomatic Expressions:

  1. "Estar a la orden de la Armada"
  2. Meaning: To be at someone's beck and call; to be ready to act as commanded.
  3. Example: El equipo médico está a la orden de la Armada para brindar asistencia en cualquier momento.

    • The medical team is at the Navy's disposal to provide assistance at any time.
  4. "No está la Armada para fiestas"

  5. Meaning: Used when a situation requires serious attention and actions, not for festivities.
  6. Example: Con la crisis actual, no está la Armada para fiestas, debemos concentrarnos en solucionar los problemas.
    • With the current crisis, we can't be throwing parties, we need to focus on solving the issues.


The term "Armada" comes from the Spanish word for "armed" or "army," which originates from the Latin word "armāta" meaning "equipped with weapons."

Synonyms and Antonyms:

Synonyms: - Marina (Navy) - Flota (Fleet) - Escuadra (Squadron)

Antonyms: - Ejército (Army) - Aire (Airforce) - Desarme (Disarmament)