labranza - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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labranza (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Labranza" is a feminine noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Tillage
  2. Cultivation

Meaning and Usage

"Labranza" refers to the process of preparing soil for the planting of seeds and the cultivation of crops. It denotes the agricultural activities involved in growing plants and can encompass plowing, tilling, and similar practices. In the Spanish language, "labranza" is mainly used in agricultural contexts and is more common in written contexts, like textbooks and articles discussing farming or agronomy, although it can also appear in oral discussions about agriculture.

Example Sentences

  1. La labranza adecuada del campo es esencial para obtener buenos cultivos.
    The proper tillage of the field is essential to obtain good crops.

  2. Los agricultores utilizan técnicas de labranza sostenible para proteger el suelo.
    Farmers use sustainable cultivation techniques to protect the soil.

  3. Durante la labranza, es importante evitar el uso excesivo de fertilizantes.
    During cultivation, it is important to avoid the excessive use of fertilizers.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "labranza" itself may not appear frequently in idiomatic expressions, the concept of agricultural effort can be metaphorically described in various phrases.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. "A la labranza del campo se le da lo que se le quita al cuidado." The cultivation of the field gets what is taken from its care.

  2. "Una labor sin labranza es como un río sin cauce." A task without cultivation is like a river without a channel.

  3. "Mucho antes de la labranza, hay que preparar la tierra y el corazón." Long before the tillage, the land and the heart must be prepared.

  4. "Cosecha la labranza que sembraste en el pasado." Reap the cultivation you sowed in the past.


The word "labranza" comes from the Latin "laborantia", which is derived from "laborare", meaning "to work". This etymological root underscores the connection of the term to hard work and effort, especially concerning agricultural practices.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, "labranza" is a term deeply rooted in agricultural practices, and while it can be used in various contexts, it primarily conveys the notion of hard labor in cultivating land.
