lacra - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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lacra (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Lacra" is a feminine noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "lacra" refers to a negative characteristic, such as a moral defect, vice, or social issue that is seen as shameful or detrimental. It is often used in contexts discussing societal problems or personal flaws.

Frequency of use tends to be moderate, and it is used in both oral and written contexts. However, it may be more prevalent in written forms such as newspapers, essays, and discussions about societal issues.

Example Sentences

  1. La corrupción es una lacra que afecta a toda la sociedad.
  2. Corruption is a scourge that affects the entire society.

  3. Debemos eliminar la lacra del racismo en nuestro país.

  4. We must eliminate the stain of racism in our country.

  5. A veces, la ignorancia es una lacra que limita el progreso personal.

  6. Sometimes ignorance is a vice that limits personal progress.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "lacra" is not traditionally a part of many idiomatic expressions but can often be found in discussions and expressions involving social criticism. Here are a few sentences that utilize "lacra" within various contexts:

  1. La lacra de la violencia sigue presente en muchas comunidades.
  2. The scourge of violence remains present in many communities.

  3. Combatir la lacra del machismo es una tarea de todos.

  4. Combating the scourge of machismo is everyone's task.

  5. La educación es clave para erradicar las lacras sociales.

  6. Education is key to eradicating social ills.

  7. No podemos ignorar la lacra de la pobreza que afecta a nuestros jóvenes.

  8. We cannot ignore the scourge of poverty that affects our youth.

  9. La falta de oportunidades es una lacra que impide el desarrollo de un país.

  10. The lack of opportunities is a vice that hinders a country's development.


The term "lacra" comes from the Latin word "lacra," which means "a defect or vice." The concept has evolved to include broader definitions concerning social and moral issues.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview provides an in-depth understanding of the word "lacra" within various contexts.
