ladear - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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ladear (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "ladear" is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Ladear" refers to the action of inclining, tilting, or leaning something to one side. It can be used in various contexts, from physical objects (like tilting a bottle) to abstract situations (like leaning towards a certain opinion). It is a common verb in both spoken and written Spanish, though it may appear more frequently in specific contexts such as technical descriptions or physical instructions.

Frequency of Use

"Ladear" is used moderately in the Spanish language, often in contexts related to mechanics, physics, or even metaphorically to describe attitudes and opinions.

Example Sentences

  1. El maestro pidió que ladearan el mapa para mostrar las regiones.
  2. The teacher asked them to tilt the map to show the regions.

  3. Al ladear la silla, noté que una pata estaba rota.

  4. When I leaned the chair, I noticed that one leg was broken.

  5. Es peligroso ladear el coche en esa curva.

  6. It is dangerous to tilt the car on that curve.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "ladear" is not commonly used in specific idiomatic expressions, it can appear in phrases that convey leaning towards something, either physically or figuratively. Here are a few relevant expressions:

  1. Ladear la balanza.
  2. Literal Translation: To tilt the scales.
  3. Meaning: To influence a situation in one's favor.
  4. Example: En una negociación, siempre intentamos ladear la balanza a nuestro favor.
  5. Translation: In a negotiation, we always try to tilt the scales in our favor.

  6. Ladearse a un lado.

  7. Literal Translation: To lean to one side.
  8. Meaning: To side with someone or something.
  9. Example: No te ladearás a su lado solo porque es popular, ¿verdad?
  10. Translation: You won't lean to his side just because he's popular, will you?

  11. Ladearse en una discusión.

  12. Literal Translation: To lean in a discussion.
  13. Meaning: To take a side in a debate.
  14. Example: Ella tiende a ladearse en una discusión cuando siente que es injusta.
  15. Translation: She tends to lean in a discussion when she feels it's unfair.


The word "ladear" comes from the Spanish noun "lado," which means "side." The verb form utilizes the prefix "a-" combined with "-dear," reflecting the action of causing something to lean or incline toward one side.



This comprehensive analysis of "ladear" provides insight into its usage, meanings, and related expressions in the Spanish language.
