ladrar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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ladrar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Ladrar" is a verb in Spanish that means "to bark." It is specifically used to refer to the sound that dogs make. The word can also be used metaphorically to describe a person who speaks loudly or in a commanding manner. "Ladrar" is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, but it tends to appear more in colloquial speech, especially in conversations regarding pets or animal behavior.

Example Sentences

  1. Los perros suelen ladrar por la noche.
    Dogs usually bark at night.

  2. No me gusta cuando él empieza a ladrar en lugar de hablar civilizadamente.
    I don't like it when he starts barking instead of talking civilly.

  3. El ladrido del perro alertó a toda la vecindad.
    The dog's barking alerted the entire neighborhood.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "ladrar" is not commonly featured in many idiomatic expressions, it can still be found in a few phrases or metaphors that illustrate certain behaviors or characterizations. Below are some idiomatic uses related to "ladrar":

  1. Ladrar no muerde.
    Barking doesn’t bite.
    This expression implies that someone who makes a lot of noise or threats is often not as dangerous as they appear.

  2. A veces hay que ladrar para ser escuchado.
    Sometimes you have to bark to be heard.
    This means that one might need to be loud or assertive to ensure their opinions are taken seriously.

  3. No le hagas caso, solo está ladrando.
    Don’t listen to him; he’s just barking.
    This suggests that someone is talking nonsense or threatening without substantial action to back it up.

  4. Esa persona solo sabe ladrar.
    That person only knows how to bark.
    This indicates that someone talks a lot but does not take real action.


The word "ladrar" comes from the Latin "latare," which is an onomatopoeic term that imitates the sound of a dog barking. Its etymological roots reflect its direct relation to animal sounds.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Gruñir (to growl) - Aullido (howl, though applied to wolves)

Antonyms: - Silenciar (to silence) - Callar (to be quiet)
