lago proglaciar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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lago proglaciar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech:


Phonetic transcription:

/lago pɾoɣlaˈθjaɾ/

Translation options into English:


A proglacial lake is a body of water that forms in front of a glacier or ice sheet due to meltwater or damming by the ice itself. These lakes are common in regions where glaciers are present, such as polar regions or high-altitude mountain areas. The term "lago proglaciar" is used to describe these specific types of lakes in Spanish.

This term is more commonly used in written contexts, particularly in geographical and scientific literature.

Example sentences:

  1. El lago proglaciar se formó por el deshielo del glaciar que lo precede.
  2. The proglacial lake formed due to the melting of the glacier in front of it.

  3. La fauna que habita en el lago proglaciar se ha adaptado a las extremas condiciones del ambiente.

  4. The fauna living in the proglacial lake has adapted to the extreme environmental conditions.

Idiomatic expressions:

In this case, "lago proglaciar" is a specific term related to geography and doesn't have common idiomatic expressions associated with it.


Synonyms and Antonyms: