laico - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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laico (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The term "laico" is used primarily to describe something that is not connected to religion or ecclesiastical authority. It denotes secularism, where the government, educational institutions, and other public spheres operate independently of religious considerations. In legal contexts, "laico" often refers to principles or laws that maintain a separation between the state and religious institutions.

"laico" is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions about social, political, or educational issues. Its frequency of use may vary based on the topic being discussed, but it is generally well understood across different Spanish-speaking communities.

Example Sentences

  1. La nueva ley establece un enfoque laico en la educación pública.
  2. The new law establishes a secular approach in public education.

  3. El estado debe ser laico para proteger la libertad de religión de todos los ciudadanos.

  4. The state must be secular to protect the religious freedom of all citizens.

  5. La organización no tiene vínculos laicos ni religiosos; su objetivo es promover la ciencia.

  6. The organization has neither secular nor religious ties; its goal is to promote science.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "laico" itself may not frequently appear in idiomatic expressions, its related concepts may. Here are a few sentences that reflect its meaning in broader contexts:

  1. La separación entre iglesia y estado es un principio laico fundamental en nuestra sociedad.
  2. The separation between church and state is a fundamental secular principle in our society.

  3. En un país laico, todos tienen derecho a practicar su religión sin interferencias.

  4. In a secular country, everyone has the right to practice their religion without interference.

  5. La educación laica fomenta el pensamiento crítico y el respeto a la diversidad.

  6. Secular education fosters critical thinking and respect for diversity.

  7. La ley laica protege a los ciudadanos de la discriminación religiosa.

  8. The secular law protects citizens from religious discrimination.


The word "laico" comes from the Latin "laicus," which means "of the laity" or "layman." It evolved through the Greek "laikos," derived from "laos," meaning "people." Over time, it adopted a connotation referring to the secular realm, distinguishing it from religious authority.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Secular - Civil - Profane (in certain contexts)

Antonyms: - Religioso (Religious) - Eclisiástico (Ecclesiastical) - Sagrado (Sacred)
