lamento - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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lamento (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "lamento" refers to an expression of sorrow or mourning. It is commonly used to convey feelings of sadness or regret about a situation or event. This word can appear in both spoken and written forms, though it may be more frequent in formal or literary contexts due to its emotive connotation.

Frequency of Use

"Lamento" is moderately used in contemporary Spanish, especially in literary works, poetry, and formal speeches. In everyday conversation, more colloquial alternatives may be preferred.

Example Sentences

  1. El lamento de la madre se escuchó en toda la aldea.
    The lament of the mother was heard throughout the village.

  2. Su lamento por la pérdida de su mascota fue conmovedor.
    His lament for the loss of his pet was heartbreaking.

  3. El poeta escribió un lamento sobre el paso del tiempo.
    The poet wrote a lament about the passage of time.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "lamento" is often used in various idiomatic expressions that reflect emotional states or sentiments.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Lamento eterno
    Eternal lament
  2. Sentence: Su lamento eterno por el amor perdido era un tema recurrente en sus poemas.
    Her eternal lament for lost love was a recurring theme in her poems.

  3. Lamento del alma
    Lament of the soul

  4. Sentence: El artista capturó en su obra el lamento del alma de su cultura.
    The artist captured in his work the lament of the soul of his culture.

  5. Lamento de un pueblo
    Lament of a people

  6. Sentence: El documental cuenta el lamento de un pueblo olvidado por el gobierno.
    The documentary tells of the lament of a people forgotten by the government.

  7. Un lamento en la noche
    A lament in the night

  8. Sentence: El lamento en la noche de los pájaros se mezclaba con el viento.
    The lament in the night of the birds mingled with the wind.


The word "lamento" originates from the latinate term lamentum, which conveys a sense of mourning or sorrow. It has evolved in the Spanish language to maintain its core sense of expressing deep feelings of sadness or regret.

Synonyms and Antonyms


