lamer - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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lamer (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"lamer" is a verb in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Use in Spanish

The verb "lamer" primarily refers to the act of licking something with the tongue. It can denote a physical action performed by animals or humans. In a broader context, "lamer" may also describe actions metaphorically, such as smearing or covering something lightly.

In terms of frequency, "lamer" is relatively common and is used in both spoken and written contexts. However, its usage might vary based on regional dialects and contexts, with oral speech being more prevalent in casual conversations.

Example Sentences

  1. El perro lame su comida antes de comerla.
    (The dog licks its food before eating it.)

  2. Ella se lamió los labios después de probar el postre.
    (She licked her lips after tasting the dessert.)

  3. No debes lamer las heridas, ya que pueden infectarse.
    (You shouldn’t lick the wounds, as they can get infected.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "lamer" isn't as prevalent in idiomatic expressions as other verbs, it can still appear in some common phrases, mainly signaling a figurative sense of licking or pleasing.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Lamió los zapatos de su jefe para conseguir el ascenso.
    (He licked his boss's shoes to get the promotion.)
    (This implies that he excessively flattered or tried to please his boss.)

  2. No hay que lamer el camino de otros; cada quien debe forjar el suyo.
    (One shouldn't lick the path of others; everyone must forge their own.)
    (This suggests that one should not always follow others blindly.)

  3. A veces, hay que saber lamer las heridas del pasado para seguir adelante.
    (Sometimes, one has to know how to lick the wounds of the past to move forward.)
    (Referring to the idea of healing from past experiences.)


The verb "lamer" comes from the Latin word "lamĭnāre," which means "to lick." This root indicates the direct physical action associated with the use of the tongue.

Synonyms and Antonyms


