laminación - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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laminación (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech:


Phonetic transcription:


Translation options into English:

Rolling, laminating


"Laminación" is the process of flattening and shaping a material by compressing it between two rollers or plates. In the general context, it refers to the act of rolling a material into thin sheets or layers. In the field of medicine, it can refer to a procedure involving the use of laminates or thin layers of material in medical devices or treatments. In a polytechnical context, it is commonly used in processes like metalworking, where materials are shaped and compressed through rolling.

The word "laminación" is more frequently used in written contexts, especially in technical or specialized documents related to engineering, metalworking, and medical fields.


  1. La lámina de acero pasó por un proceso de laminación para obtener el grosor deseado.
  2. The steel sheet went through a rolling process to achieve the desired thickness.

  3. La laminación es un paso fundamental en la fabricación de muchos productos metálicos.

  4. Rolling is a crucial step in the manufacturing of many metal products.

Idiomatic expressions:

  1. Estar sobre la lámina
  2. Meaning: To be in a dangerous or risky situation.
  3. Example: Estamos sobre la lámina con este proyecto.

    • We are on thin ice with this project.
  4. Pasar por la lámina

  5. Meaning: To face a difficult or challenging situation.
  6. Example: Juan pasó por la lámina durante la entrevista de trabajo.
    • Juan went through a tough situation during the job interview.


The word "laminación" comes from the Spanish verb "laminar," which derives from the Latin word "lamina" meaning "thin plate" or "sheet."

Synonyms and Antonyms: