languidez - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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languidez (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Languidez is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription

/lãŋɡiˈðeθ/ (Spain) or /lãŋɡiˈðes/ (Latin America)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Languidez refers to a state of weakness or a lack of energy, often associated with fatigue, illness, or emotional distress. It can describe both physical and mental conditions where an individual feels drained or incapable of exertion. The term is used in both medical contexts to describe symptoms of certain illnesses and in general conversation relating to fatigue or apathy.

Frequency of use is moderate, and it can be found in both oral and written contexts, though it is more common in written texts, particularly in literature or medical documentation.

Example Sentences

  1. La languidez que sentía después de la enfermedad le dificultaba realizar las actividades diarias.
    The languor he felt after the illness made it difficult for him to perform daily activities.

  2. La languidez de la tarde parecía contagiar a todos en la sala.
    The languor of the afternoon seemed to infect everyone in the room.

  3. Después de correr, experimentó una profunda languidez que lo llevó a descansar un rato.
    After running, he experienced a deep listlessness that led him to rest for a while.

Idiomatic Expressions

While languidez itself isn’t the base of many famous idioms, it can be involved in expressions that relate to states of energy or motivation decline. Below are some examples:

  1. Sufrir de languidez existencial
    To suffer from existential languor.
    Después de meses sin trabajo, Juan comenzó a sufrir de languidez existencial.
    After months without a job, Juan began to suffer from existential languor.

  2. Sentir languidez ante la vida
    To feel languor towards life.
    Muchos jóvenes sienten languidez ante la vida debido a la falta de oportunidades.
    Many young people feel languor towards life due to the lack of opportunities.

  3. Luchas contra la languidez cultural
    Struggles against cultural languor.
    El gobierno inició un programa para combatir la languidez cultural en las comunidades rurales.
    The government launched a program to combat cultural languor in rural communities.

  4. Cayendo en la languidez cotidiana
    Falling into daily languor.
    Al pasar tanto tiempo en casa, comenzó a caer en la languidez cotidiana.
    Spending so much time at home, he began to fall into daily languor.


Languidez comes from the Latin word "languidĭtas," which derives from "languidus," meaning faint, weak, or weary. This root emphasizes the concepts of weakness and lack of vigor that are essential to the meaning of the word.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Debilidad (weakness) - Aletargamiento (sluggishness) - Fatiga (fatigue)

Antonyms: - Vitalidad (vitality) - Energía (energy) - Fuerza (strength)
