lanzarse - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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lanzarse (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Lanzarse is a reflexive verb in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/lãnˈθaɾ.se/ (in Castilian Spanish) or /lãnˈs̺aɾ.se/ (in Latin American Spanish)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Lanzarse generally refers to the act of jumping, throwing, or launching oneself into an action, situation, or physical space. It can convey a sense of boldness or spontaneity, often implying a willingness to take risks. This verb is frequently used in both oral speech and written contexts, but it is more common in verbal communication due to its expressive nature.

Example Sentences

  1. Hoy me voy a lanzar al agua y aprender a nadar.
    (Today I'm going to jump into the water and learn to swim.)

  2. Después de pensarlo mucho, decidió lanzarse a emprender su propio negocio.
    (After thinking about it a lot, he decided to launch himself into starting his own business.)

  3. No tengas miedo, lánzate y disfruta de la aventura.
    (Don't be afraid, throw yourself in and enjoy the adventure.)

Idiomatic Expressions

Lanzarse is often found in various idiomatic expressions that convey a sense of boldness or decisiveness. Here are some examples:

  1. Lanzarse al vacío.
    (To jump into the void.) — This expression means to take a risk without a clear outcome, often used in the context of making significant life decisions.

Example: Decidí lanzarme al vacío y cambiar de carrera.
(I decided to jump into the void and change careers.)

  1. Lanzarse a la piscina.
    (To jump into the pool.) — Similar to the English equivalent of "taking the plunge," it implies committing to a decision after hesitation.

Example: Finalmente, se lanzó a la piscina y se mudó a otra ciudad.
(Finally, he jumped into the pool and moved to another city.)

  1. Lanzarse como un torero.
    (To throw oneself like a bullfighter.) — This suggests facing a challenge or danger with courage.

Example: El empresario se lanzó como un torero al desafío de expandir su mercado.
(The entrepreneur threw himself like a bullfighter into the challenge of expanding his market.)

  1. Lanzarse de cabeza.
    (To dive in headfirst.) — It indicates engaging fully in an activity or situation without hesitation.

Example: Decidí lanzarme de cabeza en el nuevo proyecto, sin mirar atrás.
(I decided to dive headfirst into the new project, without looking back.)


The verb lanzarse originates from the Spanish verb lanzar, which itself comes from the Latin lanciare, meaning "to throw." The reflexive form conveys the notion of self-direction in the action of throwing or launching.

Synonyms and Antonyms
