The word "lavar" is a verb.
The phonetic transcription of "lavar" using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /laˈβaɾ/.
The most common translations for "lavar" into English are: - to wash - to clean - to rinse
"Lavar" refers to the action of cleaning something, usually involving the removal of dirt or impurities, typically using water and sometimes soap. It's frequently used in various contexts, including washing hands, clothes, dishes, or other objects.
The verb "lavar" is part of several idiomatic expressions in Spanish, emphasizing its importance in everyday language.
To wash dirty rags at home. (Meaning: To air one's dirty laundry in private.)
Lavar las manos de algo.
To wash one's hands of something. (Meaning: To disassociate oneself from something.)
No hay que lavar la ropa sucia en público.
You shouldn't wash dirty laundry in public. (Meaning: Don't discuss private or sensitive matters publicly.)
Si lo haces, te va a lavar el cerebro.
If you do it, it will brainwash you. (Meaning: To manipulate someone’s beliefs or thoughts.)
Lavar la cara a alguien.
The word "lavar" comes from the Latin verb "lavare," which means "to wash." This Latin origin is the root for similar terms in other Romance languages.
Synonyms: - limpiar (to clean) - enjuagar (to rinse) - asear (to tidy up)
Antonyms: - ensuciar (to dirty) - manchar (to stain) - descuidar (to neglect)
The information provided gives a comprehensive overview of the verb "lavar," illustrating its uses, meanings, idiomatic expressions, and relevant grammatical details.