laxante - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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laxante (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Laxante is a noun in Spanish, and it can also function as an adjective.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Laxante refers to a substance used to relieve constipation by stimulating bowel movements. In Spanish, it's frequently used in medical contexts, particularly in discussions about digestive health. Its usage is more common in written contexts, such as medical prescriptions or health articles, but it's also used in oral communication when discussing digestive complaints.

Example Sentences

  1. El médico me recetó un laxante para ayudar con mi estreñimiento.
  2. The doctor prescribed me a laxative to help with my constipation.

  3. Es importante no abusar de los laxantes para evitar problemas de salud.

  4. It's important not to abuse laxatives to avoid health problems.

  5. Existen muchos tipos de laxantes disponibles en la farmacia.

  6. There are many types of laxatives available at the pharmacy.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "laxante" is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions, it is often associated with phrases related to digestive health or relieving discomfort. Here are some related expressions emphasizing the necessity of using laxatives or the effects of digestion:

  1. Echar mano de un laxante - To resort to a laxative.
  2. A veces, hay que echar mano de un laxante cuando la dieta no incluye suficiente fibra.
  3. Sometimes, you have to resort to a laxative when the diet doesn’t include enough fiber.

  4. Tomar un laxante de forma regular - To take a laxative regularly.

  5. No es recomendable tomar un laxante de forma regular sin supervisión médica.
  6. It is not advisable to take a laxative regularly without medical supervision.

  7. Sentir los efectos de un laxante - To feel the effects of a laxative.

  8. Después de tomar el laxante, empecé a sentir los efectos casi de inmediato.
  9. After taking the laxative, I started to feel the effects almost immediately.

  10. Laxante natural - Natural laxative.

  11. Las peras son consideradas un laxante natural.
  12. Pears are considered a natural laxative.


The word "laxante" comes from the Latin word "laxare", which means "to loosen". This roots connects to its function of loosening the bowels to facilitate easier passage for feces.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Purgante (purgative) - Catártico (cathartic)

Antonyms: - Constipante (constipating) - Inhibidor (inhibitor)

This comprehensive overview provides insights into the word "laxante," its meanings, usage, and related expressions within the medical context in Spanish.
