lecherear - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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lecherear (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Lecherear" is a verb that refers specifically to the act of milking, particularly in agricultural or rural contexts in Venezuela. It can also take on a more colloquial meaning in certain informal conversations. The term is commonly used in oral speech, especially among farmers and those involved in agricultural practices, although it can also appear in written contexts, particularly in local literature or discussions about agriculture.

Example Sentences

  1. Voy a lecherear las vacas esta mañana.
    I am going to milk the cows this morning.

  2. Ella siempre lecherea para ayudar a su padre en la finca.
    She always milks to help her father on the farm.

  3. Es imprescindible lecherear bien para obtener buena leche.
    It is essential to milk properly to obtain good milk.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "lecherear" is not commonly found in many idiomatic expressions, it does connect with various agricultural proverbs or sayings related to farming and the importance of milking. Below are some examples where lecherear can be associated with broader agricultural themes:

  1. El que lecherea bien, recoge el fruto.
    He who milks well reaps the fruit.
    (This emphasizes the value of diligence and hard work.)

  2. En la vida, como en lecherear, hay que tener paciencia.
    In life, as in milking, one must have patience.
    (This highlights the importance of patience in all endeavors.)

  3. Si no lechereas todos los días, la vaca no dará leche.
    If you don't milk every day, the cow won't give milk.
    (This signifies the need for regular effort to see results.)


The verb "lecherear" is derived from "leche," which means "milk" in Spanish. The suffix "-ear" is a common verb-forming suffix in Spanish that often implies an action related to the noun it attaches to, in this case, the action of milking.



Overall, "lecherear" is a term deeply rooted in agricultural practices in Venezuela, symbolizing the connection between human effort and the agricultural yield.
