lentejuela - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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lentejuela (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Lentejuela is a feminine noun.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

Lentejuela primarily refers to a small, shiny, decorative disc usually made of plastic or metal, commonly used in clothing, accessories, and crafts to add sparkle and embellishment. The word can also refer to a small lens in specific contexts, although this meaning is less common.

In the Spanish language, lentejuela is commonly used in the fashion and craft contexts, particularly in oral speech referring to tasks related to sewing, designing, or crafting costumes and festive attire. The frequency of use is quite broad in informal contexts but might be less common in specialized written academic texts.

Example Sentences

  1. Ella decoró el vestido con lentejuelas de colores brillantes.
    She decorated the dress with bright-colored sequins.

  2. Las lentejuelas brillaban bajo la luz del escenario.
    The sequins sparkled under the stage lights.

  3. Compré lentejuelas para hacer una manualidad para la fiesta.
    I bought sequins to make a craft for the party.

Idiomatic Expressions

While lentejuela isn't often featured in idiomatic expressions, it can occasionally appear in phrases related to fashion or celebration:

  1. Vestir de lentejuelas.
    To dress in sequins.
    This phrase indicates wearing shiny, eye-catching clothing, often for festive occasions.

  2. Brillar como una lentejuela.
    To shine like a sequin.
    This expression is used to describe someone or something that stands out or shines brightly, often in social situations.

  3. Lentejuelas al viento.
    Sequins in the wind.
    This expression can relate to carefree dancing or merrymaking, often used during celebrations or parties where sequins are common decor.


The word lentejuela originates from the Spanish term lentej(a), which means "lentil," combined with the diminutive suffix -uela. The connection to "lentil" is based on the round, flat shape of both the lentil and the sequins, leading to the adoption of the term.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Sequin - Adorno (ornament) - Brillantina (glitter)

Antonyms: - Sencillo (simple) - Despojado (bare)

This extensive information should give you a well-rounded understanding of the word lentejuela in both a general and specific context.
