levantar la liebre - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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levantar la liebre (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The phrase "levantar la liebre" is an idiomatic expression, which functions as a verb phrase in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/leβanˈtaɾ la ˈljebɾe/

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Levantar la liebre" is an idiomatic expression in Spanish that is used to mean "to bring something to light" or "to alert someone to a situation or issue." It often implies uncovering information, particularly something that was previously concealed or unknown.

The expression is not only used frequently in spoken language but also appears in written contexts, particularly in journalism, literature, and discussions regarding social issues. The use of idiomatic expressions like this one adds flavor and richness to the language, illustrating cultural nuances.

Example Sentences

  1. En nuestra reunión, Juan decidió levantar la liebre sobre la corrupción en la empresa.
  2. In our meeting, Juan decided to raise the hare about the corruption in the company.

  3. La periodista levantó la liebre sobre el escándalo político que afectaba a varios funcionarios.

  4. The journalist brought to light the political scandal that affected several officials.

  5. Durante la charla, el profesor levantó la liebre respecto al bajo rendimiento de los estudiantes.

  6. During the lecture, the professor alerted us to the low performance of the students.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Levantar la liebre" is commonly used in various contexts. Here are several idiomatic expressions that incorporate this phrase or similar concepts:

  1. Levantar la liebre y correr
  2. A veces es mejor levantar la liebre y correr antes de que te atrapen.
  3. Sometimes it's better to raise the hare and run before they catch you.

  4. Levantar la liebre en el momento justo

  5. Ella supo levantar la liebre en el momento justo para evitar problemas.
  6. She knew how to raise the hare at just the right moment to avoid problems.

  7. Si no levantas la liebre, nadie sabrá la verdad

  8. If you don't raise the hare, no one will know the truth.

  9. No tengas miedo de levantar la liebre

  10. Don’t be afraid to bring the matter to light.

  11. A veces es necesario levantar la liebre, aunque pueda causar controversia

  12. Sometimes it is necessary to raise the hare, even if it may cause controversy.


The phrase "levantar la liebre" combines the verb "levantar," which means "to raise" or "to lift," and "liebre," which means "hare." The literal meaning refers to the act of raising a hare, often associated with a sense of revealing or uncovering something hidden.

Synonyms and Antonyms



The phrase "levantar la liebre" serves as a vivid metaphor in Spanish, enriching the language with its imagery and cultural significance.
