"Ley tributaria" refers to tax law or fiscal law in economics. This term is used more in written contexts, such as legal documents, articles on fiscal matters, or academic texts on economics.
Example sentences:
La ley tributaria establece las normas que regulan el pago de impuestos en el país.
The tax law sets the rules that regulate tax payment in the country.
Es importante estar al tanto de los cambios en la ley tributaria para evitar posibles sanciones.
It's important to stay informed about changes in tax law to avoid potential penalties.
Idiomatic expressions:
In Spanish, there are several idiomatic expressions that involve the word "ley" or "tributaria". Here are a few examples:
Estar al margen de la ley tributaria
To be outside tax law
To evade taxes
Cumplir con la ley tributaria al pie de la letra
To comply with tax law to the letter
To follow tax laws very strictly
Burlar la ley tributaria
To circumvent tax law
To cheat or deceive tax authorities
Ley: From Latin "lex, legis", meaning law.
Tributaria: From Latin "tributarius", related to “tributum” which referred to a “tribute” or payment made to a ruling authority.