The term "linaje" refers to the line of descent, family heritage, or ancestry of an individual or group. It is often used in historical, legal, and genealogical contexts. The word signifies the familial connections that are often emphasized in aristocratic, noble, or royal backgrounds.
In Spanish, the usage of "linaje" tends to be more common in written contexts, particularly in literature, historical texts, and legal documents, rather than in everyday oral conversations. Nevertheless, it is understood and occasionally used in spoken Spanish, especially when discussing family roots or heritage.
El linaje de la familia es muy antiguo y respetado en la comunidad.
The lineage of the family is very old and respected in the community.
Los documentos legales a menudo requieren la prueba del linaje para herencias.
Legal documents often require proof of lineage for inheritances.
Su linaje se remonta a tiempos medievales.
His lineage dates back to medieval times.
The word "linaje" is frequently used in various idiomatic expressions related to family heritage and social status:
"De linaje noble"
Of noble lineage
Aquellos que son de linaje noble suelen tener ciertas ventajas en la sociedad.
(Those who are of noble lineage often have certain advantages in society.)
"Linaje y sangre"
Lineage and blood
La lealtad a la familia es fuerte debido al linaje y sangre que compartimos.
(Loyalty to the family is strong because of the lineage and blood we share.)
"No importa el linaje"
Lineage doesn't matter
En esta comunidad, no importa el linaje; lo que importa es el carácter de la persona.
(In this community, lineage doesn't matter; what matters is a person's character.)
"Un linaje digno"
A worthy lineage
Es un orgullo tener un linaje digno que se ha destacado en la historia.
(It is a pride to have a worthy lineage that has stood out in history.)
The word "linaje" derives from the Latin term lineaticum, which means "of a line or lineage." The root "linea" in Latin refers to "line," indicating lineage as a series of connections among ancestors and descendants.
Synonyms: - ascendencia (ascendancy) - herencia (inheritance) - procedencia (descent)
Antonyms: - mestizaje (mestizaje) - origen desconocido (unknown origin)