Llanura is a noun in Spanish.
Llanura refers to a large, flat land area, often characterized by its expanse and lack of significant elevation changes. It is commonly used in geographical contexts to describe landforms. In Spanish, this term is widely recognized and is used frequently in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions regarding geography, agriculture, and environmental studies. The frequency of use can vary based on the context, but it is fairly common in both spoken and written forms.
La llanura de la región es ideal para la agricultura.
The plain of the region is ideal for agriculture.
Durante el verano, las lluvias llenan la llanura de verdes pastos.
During the summer, the rains fill the plain with green pastures.
Los animales migran a la llanura en busca de alimento.
The animals migrate to the plain in search of food.
While there are not many idiomatic expressions specifically using llanura, the concept of flatness or openness can be metaphorically utilized in Spanish.
Ver la llanura de algo (to see the plain of something)
Significa entender la situación sin complicaciones.
It means to understand the situation without complications.
Salir de la llanura, hacia las montañas (to leave the plain for the mountains)
Usado para describir una situación en la que uno busca algo más desafiante.
Used to describe a situation where one is seeking something more challenging.
No basta con una llanura para crear un buen paisaje (A plain isn't enough to create a good landscape)
Se refiere a la idea de que se necesita diversidad para que algo sea interesante.
Refers to the idea that diversity is needed for something to be interesting.
The word llanura comes from Latin "planura", derived from "planus", meaning flat or level. The transformation from Latin to Spanish maintained this connection to flatness or level terrain.
Synonyms: - Planicie (plain) - Campo (field) - Terreno llano (level land)
Antonyms: - Montaña (mountain) - Elevación (elevation) - Colina (hill)
This information covers various aspects of the word llanura, providing insight into its significance and usage in the Spanish language.