llave - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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llave (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

llave (noun)

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "llave" primarily means "key," referring to a metal instrument used for opening or closing locks. It can also refer to a tap or faucet in some Spanish-speaking countries, as well as being used metaphorically in expressions relating to solutions or critical concepts.

In the Spanish language, "llave" is commonly used both in oral speech and written contexts, prevalent in everyday conversations, literature, and even legal contexts.

Frequency of Use

"llave" is frequently used in both spoken and written forms, making it a common and essential word in Spanish vocabulary.

Example Sentences

  1. Necesito la llave para abrir la puerta.
  2. I need the key to open the door.

  3. Cierra la llave del agua antes de salir.

  4. Turn off the faucet before leaving.

  5. La llave del éxito es la perseverancia.

  6. The key to success is perseverance.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "llave" features prominently in various idiomatic expressions. It typically symbolizes access, control, or crucial elements in various contexts.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Eres la llave de mi felicidad.
  2. You are the key to my happiness.

  3. No hay llave que no abra una puerta.

  4. There is no key that cannot open a door. (Meaning there is a solution for every problem.)

  5. Ella tiene la llave de su propio destino.

  6. She holds the key to her own destiny.

  7. La llave del conocimiento es la curiosidad.

  8. The key to knowledge is curiosity.

  9. No hay llave sin cerradura.

  10. There is no key without a lock. (Meaning every solution requires a corresponding problem.)


The term "llave" comes from the Latin "clāvis," which also means "key." Over time, it has evolved into its current form in the Spanish language. The influence of Latin on many Spanish words is a significant factor in the language's development.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - clave (key, crucial point) - cerradura (lock - when referring to the paired concept)

Antonyms: - cerradura (lock - in the context of access) - (No direct antonyms in the concept of "key" since it implies access.)

In summary, "llave" symbolizes access and control, both literally as a key and metaphorically in various expressions. It holds significant importance in the daily lexicon of Spanish speakers.
