llenar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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llenar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

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Meaning and Usage

The verb "llenar" means to make something full or to occupy space completely. It is commonly used in both oral and written contexts in Spanish. "Llenar" can refer to filling a physical space, such as a container or a room, as well as metaphorical uses, such as filling out a form or filling someone's heart with joy.

This verb is frequently employed in everyday conversation and is understood widely across Spanish-speaking countries. It holds a similar frequency in written contexts, particularly in instructions and formal communications.

Example Sentences

  1. Llenar la botella de agua es muy importante para el campamento.
    Filling the water bottle is very important for the campout.

  2. Necesito llenar el formulario antes de la cita médica.
    I need to fill out the form before the doctor's appointment.

  3. Ellos van a llenar la caja con juguetes para la colecta.
    They are going to fill the box with toys for the collection.

Idiomatic Expressions

The verb "llenar" is used in several idiomatic expressions, which enrich its usage in colloquial Spanish.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Llenar el vacío
  2. Ella trató de llenar el vacío en su vida con nuevas amistades.
    She tried to fill the void in her life with new friendships.

  3. Llenarse la cabeza

  4. No te llenes la cabeza con pensamientos negativos.
    Don't fill your head with negative thoughts.

  5. Llenar el corazón

  6. La música puede llenar el corazón de alegría.
    Music can fill the heart with joy.

  7. Llenar algo hasta el tope

  8. Ten cuidado de no llenar el vaso hasta el tope, se puede derramar.
    Be careful not to fill the cup to the brim; it might spill.

  9. Llenarse de orgullo

  10. Me llené de orgullo al ver el éxito de mis amigos.
    I was filled with pride seeing my friends' success.


The word "llenar" comes from the Latin verb "plēnāre," which means "to fill." The evolution of the word has maintained its core meaning across the ages, with modern usage extending its applications.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Colmar (to fill up) - Saturar (to saturate) - Completar (to complete)

Antonyms: - Vaciar (to empty) - Reducir (to reduce) - Desocupar (to empty out)

In summary, "llenar" is a versatile verb that plays an important role in both everyday talks and various idiomatic expressions, making it a fundamental part of the Spanish language.
