machismo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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machismo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Machismo" refers to a strong or aggressive masculine pride, often associated with traditional gender roles that emphasize male dominance in various aspects of life, including social, cultural, and familial contexts. In the Spanish language, it denotes an attitude marked by excessive masculinity and can be used to criticize behaviors considered overly aggressive or discriminatory against women.

The frequency of the term "machismo" is moderately high within discussions of gender issues, sociology, and cultural studies, showing a preference for written contexts, though it also appears in oral conversations concerning gender dynamics.

Example Sentences

  1. El machismo en la sociedad afecta negativamente a las mujeres.
    (Machismo in society negatively affects women.)

  2. Muchas veces, el machismo se manifiesta en el hogar y en el trabajo.
    (Many times, machismo manifests in the home and at work.)

  3. La lucha contra el machismo es esencial para lograr una igualdad real.
    (The fight against machismo is essential for achieving real equality.)

Idiomatic Expressions

"Machismo" is often a part of discussions surrounding gender stereotypes and roles, appearing in various idiomatic expressions. Here are some examples:

  1. Vivir bajo el machismo
    (To live under machismo)
    En muchos países, vivir bajo el machismo limita las oportunidades de las mujeres.
    (In many countries, living under machismo limits women's opportunities.)

  2. Luchar contra el machismo
    (To fight against machismo)
    Ellas están organizadas para luchar contra el machismo en sus comunidades.
    (They are organized to fight against machismo in their communities.)

  3. Rechazar el machismo
    (To reject machismo)
    Es importante rechazar el machismo para promover un ambiente inclusivo.
    (It is important to reject machismo to promote an inclusive environment.)

  4. Los efectos del machismo
    (The effects of machismo)
    Los efectos del machismo son visibles en diversas áreas de la vida cotidiana.
    (The effects of machismo are visible in various areas of daily life.)

  5. Culpa del machismo
    (Blame of machismo)
    La culpa del machismo recae en una educación tradicional y patriarcal.
    (The blame of machismo lies in traditional and patriarchal education.)


The term "machismo" originates from the Spanish word "macho," which means "male," and carries the connotation of strength and virility. This concept evolved to describe a cultural attitude that emphasizes traditional male dominance and aggressive masculinity.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms - Macho - Chauvinismo masculino (male chauvinism) - Patriarcado (patriarchy)

Antonyms - Feminismo (feminism) - Igualdad de género (gender equality) - Empoderamiento femenino (female empowerment)

This comprehensive overview of "machismo" provides insight into its significance within discussions of masculinity and gender roles, its application in both everyday language and idiomatic expressions, and its sociocultural implications.
