madraza - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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madraza (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Madraza is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription

/madˈɾaθa/ (in Spain) or /madˈɾasa/ (in Latin America)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Madraza colloquially refers to a mother who is exceptionally good, caring, or "cool" in her parenting style. It implies that the mother excels in her role, often making sacrifices for her children, but still maintains a fun, relatable, or supportive relationship with them. The term can be used endearingly and is prevalent in both oral and written contexts, though it is more common in casual conversation.

Example Sentences

  1. Mi madraza siempre me apoya en mis decisiones.
    My awesome mom always supports me in my decisions.

  2. Ella es una madraza, sus hijos se divierten mucho con ella.
    She is a great mom; her kids have a lot of fun with her.

  3. A veces pienso que todas las madres deberían ser madrazas.
    Sometimes I think that all mothers should be great moms.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "madraza" may not directly form part of numerous idiomatic expressions, as it is more of a single characterization, but it is often used to convey sentiments of appreciation towards mothers.

Here are some related idiomatic expressions that involve mothers or parenting, using the term:

  1. "Eres una madraza a tiempo completo."
    You are a full-time awesome mom.

  2. "No cambia a su madraza por nada del mundo."
    He/She wouldn't change his/her awesome mom for anything in the world.

  3. "Las madrazas siempre encuentran la manera de alegrar el día."
    Great moms always find a way to brighten the day.


The term "madraza" is a colloquial enhancement of "madre," which means "mother" in Spanish. The suffix "-aza" is often used in Spanish to denote an augmentative form, implying greatness or abundance, suggesting a larger-than-life characteristic.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Madre excepcional (exceptional mother) - Mamá genial (great mom) - Mamá excepcional (exceptional mom)

Antonyms: - Madre descuidada (neglectful mother) - Madre indiferente (indifferent mother)

This comprehensive analysis of "madraza" showcases its significance within colloquial Spanish, depicting appreciation for mothers who juggle the demands of parenting with love and care.
