madrugada - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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madrugada (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

madrugada is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

Madrugada refers to the early hours of the day, specifically the time between midnight and sunrise. It is commonly used in both oral and written contexts within Spanish-speaking communities. The word carries a sense of tranquility and quietness that is often associated with the early morning hours.

Frequency of Use: Madrugada is a frequently used term in everyday conversation as well as in literature and poetry, capturing the essence of early morning life.

Example Sentences

  1. No me gusta despertarme en la madrugada.
  2. I don't like waking up in the early morning.

  3. La madrugada es mi momento favorito para meditar.

  4. The early morning is my favorite time to meditate.

  5. Los pescadores salen al mar en la madrugada para aprovechar la tranquilidad.

  6. The fishermen go out to sea in the early morning to take advantage of the calm.

Idiomatic Expressions

Madrugada is often featured in expressions related to time and activity during the early morning. Here are some idiomatic expressions involving "madrugada":

  1. "A la madrugada, todo está en silencio."
  2. In the early morning, everything is quiet.

  3. "Despertar en la madrugada es como ver un nuevo comienzo."

  4. Waking up in the early morning is like seeing a new beginning.

  5. "La madrugada trae consigo nuevas oportunidades."

  6. The early morning brings with it new opportunities.

  7. "Me encanta salir a caminar en la madrugada."

  8. I love going for a walk in the early morning.

  9. "Es un buen momento para reflexionar en la madrugada."

  10. It’s a good time to reflect in the early morning.

  11. "Los mejores pensamientos llegan en la madrugada."

  12. The best thoughts come in the early morning.


The word madrugada originates from the Latin term "maturus", meaning 'ripe' or 'mature', which evolved in the context of timing and daylight, specifically relating to the early hours. Its use has been preserved and adapted through the Spanish language histories.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - alba (dawn) - aurora (aurora) - amanecer (dawn)

Antonyms: - atardecer (dusk) - anochecer (nightfall) - noche (night)

With this comprehensive overview, we gain insight into the significance and usage of the word "madrugada" in the Spanish language.
