madrugar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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madrugar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The verb "madrugar" refers to the act of waking up or getting out of bed early in the morning, typically before the usual time. It is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, although it may appear more often in spoken language due to its association with daily routines. The frequency of its use can vary based on the geographic location and the cultural context of the speakers.

Example Sentences

  1. Ayer decidí madrugar para ir al mercado.
    Yesterday I decided to wake up early to go to the market.

  2. Es difícil madrugar cuando hace frío afuera.
    It's hard to get up early when it's cold outside.

  3. Ella siempre madruga para hacer ejercicio.
    She always rises early to exercise.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Madrugar" is not only used in its literal sense, but it also figures into various idiomatic expressions and common phrases. Here are a few examples:

  1. Madrugar es la clave del éxito.
    Waking up early is the key to success.

  2. No hay mejor forma de aprovechar el día que madrugando.
    There’s no better way to make the most of the day than by waking up early.

  3. Si madrugas, el día te rinde más.
    If you wake up early, the day will be more productive for you.

  4. Madrugar trae consigo muchas ventajas.
    Waking up early brings many advantages.

  5. Siempre se dice que el que madruga Dios le ayuda.
    It’s always said that God helps those who wake up early.

  6. Madrugar para ver el amanecer es un espectáculo hermoso.
    Waking up early to see the sunrise is a beautiful spectacle.


The word "madrugar" originates from the Spanish noun "madrugada," which refers to the time between midnight and dawn. The root "madrug-" is combined with the verb suffix "-ar" to form "madrugar." Its connections to early morning routines highlight cultural attitudes towards productivity and time management.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Despertarse temprano (to wake up early) - Levantarse temprano (to get up early)

Antonyms: - Trasnochar (to stay up all night) - Dormir hasta tarde (to sleep in late)
