madurez - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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madurez (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage in Spanish

"Madurez" refers to the state of being mature, either in terms of physical development, emotional stability, or mental growth. In a medical context, it may relate to the full development of a biological entity or stage in life, such as reaching adulthood. It is used fairly frequently in both spoken and written Spanish, often in discussions regarding personal development, psychological states, or even agricultural contexts (as in the maturity of fruits).

Frequency of Use

"Madurez" is commonly used in both oral and written forms, particularly in educational, psychological, and philosophical discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. La madurez emocional es importante para gestionar las relaciones interpersonales.
    Emotional maturity is important for managing interpersonal relationships.

  2. La madurez de la fruta es un factor clave en su sabor.
    The ripeness of the fruit is a key factor in its flavor.

  3. Alcanzar la madurez implica aprender de las experiencias de la vida.
    Reaching maturity involves learning from life experiences.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Madurez" is frequently found in idiomatic expressions, particularly those related to personal growth and development. Here are a few examples:

  1. En la madurez de los años
  2. Es en la madurez de los años cuando realmente se aprecia la vida.
    It is in the maturity of years when life is truly appreciated.

  3. Madurez emocional

  4. La madurez emocional no se obtiene de la noche a la mañana.
    Emotional maturity isn’t gained overnight.

  5. Cosechar la madurez

  6. Al cosechar la madurez, entendí la importancia de la paciencia.
    As I harvested maturity, I understood the importance of patience.

  7. Madurez en la toma de decisiones

  8. La madurez en la toma de decisiones puede evitar muchos problemas.
    Maturity in decision-making can avoid many problems.

  9. Llegar a la madurez

  10. Es un proceso natural llegar a la madurez y entender el mundo.
    It is a natural process to reach maturity and understand the world.


The word "madurez" derives from the Latin "maturitas," which means "ripeness" or "maturity." The Latin root "maturus" translates to "ripe" or "mature," reflecting the word's connection to development and completeness.


