The adjective "maduro" is primarily used to describe something that is mature or ripe, particularly in a botanical or biological context, such as fruits and vegetables. It can also refer to a person who is emotionally or intellectually mature. The term has a broad application in the Spanish language, found in various contexts including discussions about age, development, and expectations.
The frequency of use for "maduro" is notably high in both oral and written contexts, especially in relation to agriculture, nutrition, and personal development topics.
The fruit looks very ripe, ready to eat.
Es importante que los jóvenes se vuelvan más maduros antes de tomar decisiones importantes.
It's important that young people become more mature before making important decisions.
La película trata sobre un hombre maduro que redescubre su pasión por la vida.
"Maduro" is often used in a variety of idiomatic expressions related to maturity and ripeness. Here are some examples:
A mature person knows how to handle conflicts.
Es un hombre maduro, no actúa como un adolescente.
He is a mature man, he doesn’t act like a teenager.
A veces, lo que parece ripeo es solo un fruto que se ha caído del árbol.
Sometimes, what seems mature is just fruit that has fallen from the tree.
La responsabilidad es parte del proceso de volverse más maduro.
The word "maduro" originates from the Latin "mādurus," meaning "ripe." It has preserved the same nuances in modern Romance languages.