maestra - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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maestra (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The term "maestra" in Spanish refers specifically to a female teacher, often used in a primary or secondary education context. It can denote both a person who teaches or imparts knowledge, as well as someone who is skilled in a certain field. The word is frequently used in both oral speech and written contexts, particularly in educational discussions.

In everyday usage, "maestra" is commonly associated with the education sector, but it can also be used metaphorically to recognize expertise in a particular area. It is prevalent in regions where Spanish is spoken and is a term of respect when addressing female educators.

Example Sentences

  1. La maestra explicó el tema con mucha claridad.
    The teacher explained the topic very clearly.

  2. Los estudiantes siempre escuchan atentamente a la maestra.
    The students always listen attentively to the teacher.

  3. La maestra de música nos enseñó a tocar el piano.
    The music teacher taught us how to play the piano.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "maestra" frequently appears in idiomatic expressions in Spanish, showcasing its importance in various contexts.

  1. El maestro de la vida es quien siempre está aprendiendo.
    The teacher of life is the one who is always learning.

  2. A veces, la maestra también se convierte en amiga.
    Sometimes, the teacher also becomes a friend.

  3. Ser maestra no es solo un trabajo, es una vocación.
    Being a teacher is not just a job, it's a vocation.

  4. Una maestra sabia sabe cuándo corregir y cuándo alentar.
    A wise teacher knows when to correct and when to encourage.

  5. La maestra del arte enseñó a todos a ver la belleza en lo cotidiano.
    The art teacher taught everyone to see the beauty in the everyday.


The word "maestra" is derived from the Latin term "magistra," which is the feminine form of "magister," meaning "master" or "teacher." Its evolution reflects the role of women in education and the respect attributed to them in the teaching profession.

Synonyms and Antonyms

In conclusion, "maestra" is a significant term in the Spanish language, embedded in educational contexts and idioms, showcasing both respect for female educators and a broader sense of teaching as a lifelong pursuit.
