magníficat - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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magníficat (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic transcription


Translation options into English


The word magníficat refers to a type of text found in the Bible, specifically in the Gospel of Luke, where the Virgin Mary expresses joy and praise. In clerical contexts, it commonly refers to a canticle or hymn based on this text, often used as part of the liturgy in some Christian denominations. The word is used both in its original form and also adapted as a term to refer to this specific religious text in Spanish. It is primarily used in written contexts, especially in religious ceremonies and documents.


  1. El sacerdote entonó el Magníficat durante la misa especial de adviento.
  2. The priest intoned the Magnificat during the special Advent mass.

  3. La monja recitó el Magníficat con profunda devoción.

  4. The nun recited the Magnificat with deep devotion.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term magníficat is not typically used in idiomatic expressions in Spanish.


The term Magnificat comes from the Latin phrase "Magnificat anima mea Dominum," meaning "My soul magnifies the Lord," which is the first line of the canticle attributed to the Virgin Mary in the Gospel of Luke.

Synonyms and Antonyms