magro - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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magro (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


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Meaning and Usage

The term "magro" is commonly used in Spanish to describe a person or animal that has little fat, emphasizing leanness. It can also refer to a food item that contains little fat, particularly in a culinary context. The word is frequently used in both oral and written forms, with a slightly higher prevalence in written contexts, especially in medical, nutritional, and literary discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. El doctor le recomendó seguir una dieta magra para mejorar su salud.
    The doctor advised him to follow a lean diet to improve his health.

  2. Esta carne es magra, lo que la hace ideal para quienes quieren perder peso.
    This meat is lean, making it ideal for those who want to lose weight.

  3. A pesar de su apariencia magra, es un atleta muy fuerte.
    Despite his lean appearance, he is a very strong athlete.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "magro" itself may not be part of many idiomatic expressions, it can appear in various contexts:

  1. "Estar más magro que un espagueti"
    To be leaner than a spaghetti.
    Significado: To be extremely thin.
    Translation: To be skinnier than a spaghetti.

  2. "Suerte magra"
    Meager luck.
    Significado: A situation with little to no luck or fortune.
    Translation: To have bad luck.

  3. "Menuda comida magra"
    What a meager meal.
    Significado: Refers to a meal that is small or lacks substance.
    Translation: What a small meal.

  4. "Tener más hambre que un magro"
    To be hungrier than a lean person.
    Significado: To be very hungry.
    Translation: To be super hungry.


The term "magro" originates from the Latin word "māgrus," which means "thin" or "lean." Over time, it evolved into the current Spanish form while retaining its original meaning.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Delgado (thin) - Esbelto (slender) - Flaco (skinny)

Antonyms: - Gordo (fat) - Grueso (thick) - Robusto (robust)

This comprehensive overview of the word "magro" includes its meanings, usage, related expressions, and more, providing a clear understanding of its significance in the Spanish language.
