mala idea - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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mala idea (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/mala iˈðea/

How the Word is Used

"mala idea" is a Spanish phrase commonly used to mean a bad or ill-conceived idea. It is frequently used in both oral and written contexts in Spanish language. While it is more colloquial, it can be found in various forms of communication, such as conversations, writing, and media.

Example Sentences

  1. Esa fue una mala idea.
    Translation: That was a bad idea.

  2. No ir a la reunión sin avisar fue una mala idea.
    Translation: Not showing up to the meeting without notice was a bad idea.

Idiomatic Expressions

"mala idea" is an important part of several Spanish idiomatic expressions. Here are a few examples:

  1. Eso es una mala idea.
    Translation: That's a bad idea.

  2. ¡Qué mala idea tuvo Juan al no estudiar para el examen!
    Translation: What a bad idea Juan had by not studying for the test!

  3. No ir a trabajar hoy fue una mala idea.
    Translation: Not going to work today was a bad idea.

  4. Salir sin abrigo en este frío es una mala idea.
    Translation: Going out without a coat in this cold is a bad idea.


The phrase "mala idea" combines the adjective "mala" (bad) with the noun "idea", forming the concept of a bad idea.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - pésima idea (terrible idea) - mala decisión (bad decision) - error (mistake)

Antonyms: - buena idea (good idea) - acierto (success) - decisión acertada (good decision)