malabar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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malabar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Malabar is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage in Spanish

In Spanish, "malabar" refers to the skill of juggling or performing acrobatics, typically involving the manipulation of objects, such as balls, clubs, or other props. It can also refer to a type of circus performance that features these acts. The word is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions related to performance arts, entertainment, or physical skills.

Example Sentences

  1. El malabar es una forma impresionante de arte escénico.
    Juggling is an impressive form of performing art.

  2. Durante la feria, vimos a varios artistas haciendo malabar.
    During the fair, we saw several artists juggling.

  3. A mi hermano le encanta practicar malabar en su tiempo libre.
    My brother loves to practice juggling in his free time.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "malabar" itself may not form many distinct idiomatic expressions, it is associated with phrases that reference the skill or art of juggling in a metaphorical sense. Below are a few examples:

  1. Hacer malabares con la vida es muy difícil.
    Juggling life is very difficult.

  2. Hay que hacer malabares entre el trabajo y la familia.
    You have to juggle between work and family.

  3. Ella sabe hacer malabares con sus estudios y su trabajo.
    She knows how to juggle her studies and her job.

  4. En estas fiestas, los padres tienen que hacer malabares con los gastos.
    During these holidays, parents have to juggle the expenses.

  5. No es fácil hacer malabares con tantas responsabilidades.
    It is not easy to juggle so many responsibilities.


The word "malabar" stems from the Arabic "malābar," which refers to "a jugger," potentially linked to the act of juggling. The term reflects cultural exchanges, particularly in relation to fairground performances and varied entertainment forms.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Juggling (in English, as it directly translates) - Acrobacia (acrobatic skill)

Antonyms: - Estático (static) - implying lack of movement, as juggling involves dynamic action.

In summary, "malabar" represents more than just juggling; it embodies the art of performance while also metaphorically speaking to the balancing act of life itself.
