"Malamente" is an adverb.
"Malamente" is commonly used in Spanish to express something done poorly, incorrectly, or in a negative manner. It is a frequent adverb in both oral and written contexts, especially in informal conversation. Its usage can imply more than just a direct negative; it often carries an emotional or expressive tone, especially in cultural references such as music and poetry.
This term is quite popular and often seen in various media formats, especially due to its increased prominence through songs and popular culture.
She sings badly in the karaoke.
Malamente, fue a la reunión sin prepararse.
Wrongly, he went to the meeting unprepared.
Malamente, no entendí la pregunta.
"Malamente" isn't traditionally regarded as an essential part of many idiomatic expressions; however, the prefixed and suffixed use of "mal-" commonly appears in various phrases.
Here are some idiomatic expressions and sentences involving "mal":
I am in a bad state after the party last night.
Actuar malamente - to act wrongly.
You shouldn’t act wrongly at work.
Hacer las cosas malamente - to do things wrongly.
The word "malamente" is a compound of "mal," which means "bad" or "poor," and "mente," a suffix used to turn adjectives into adverbs in Spanish. Thus, "malamente" literally translates to "in a bad manner."
Synonyms: - Mal (badly) - Incorrectamente (incorrectly) - Deficientemente (poorly)
Antonyms: - Bien (well) - Correctamente (correctly) - Adecuadamente (adequately)