maldita - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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maldita (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Adjective (can also be used as a noun)

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "maldita" is often utilized in colloquial expressions, particularly in countries like Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Venezuela. It conveys a sense of strong disapproval or frustration and is generally used to describe something or someone as wicked or unfortunate. The term can be derogatory, especially when directed toward a person or situation causing distress or annoyance. It is used more frequently in oral speech than written communication, often embedded in expressions of exasperation or cursing.

Example Sentences

  1. Esa maldita lluvia arruinó nuestro picnic.
    That cursed rain ruined our picnic.

  2. No soporto a esa maldita persona que siempre se entromete.
    I can't stand that damned person who always butts in.

  3. No puedo creer que perdí mi maldita cartera otra vez.
    I can't believe I lost my damned wallet again.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "maldita" frequently appears in idiomatic expressions in colloquial speech, often used to emphasize irritation or frustration.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Maldita la hora
    Cursed be the hour (used when regretting a decision).
  2. Maldita la hora en que decidí venir aquí.
    Cursed be the hour I decided to come here.

  3. Maldita sea
    Damn it (an exclamation of frustration).

  4. Maldita sea, siempre llego tarde!
    Damn it, I’m always late!

  5. La maldita costumbre
    The cursed habit (used to refer to a habit one wishes to rid oneself of).

  6. No puedo dejar esa maldita costumbre de procrastinar.
    I can't get rid of that cursed habit of procrastinating.


The term "maldita" is derived from the Latin maledicta, which means "to speak evil" or "to curse." The prefix "mal-" signifies "bad" or "evil," while the root "dicere" means "to say," suggesting a concept of invoking negativity or a curse upon something.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Maléfica (malevolent) - Desgraciada (unfortunate) - Infame (infamous)

Antonyms: - Bendita (blessed) - Favorecida (favored) - Agraciada (graced)
